Use "could not find it in his heart|can not find it in his heart" in a sentence

1. I could not find heart to deny her opportunity to gain his ear.

2. It will not be easy to find his peer.

3. Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it.

4. Yet, Judas did not guard his heart.

5. The Augurers could not find a heart in the beast they sacrificed and they want Caesar to stay at home

6. Four Hurricanes took off to intercept it but could not find it in the clouds.

7. The antiretrovirals could fry his heart, his liver, his kidneys.

8. In the meantime, try to find it in your heart to accept my honest apology.

9. Job did not let immoral desires corrupt his heart.

10. He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.

11. He riffled through the records but could not find his own name.

12. In his heart he felt he was betraying something very new and delicate, but he could not stop himself.

13. 20 The one who is crooked at heart will not find success,*+

14. Philosopher says: "To acquisitiveness heart although it can not be sustained Hi."

15. In that way I could reach his heart.” —Hye-young, Korea.

16. What kind of individual does the true God find “agreeable to his heart”?

17. 10 In his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand ( perhaps accidentally , perhaps not ) upon the joker's heart.

18. Could not find printer %# in printcap file

19. I reached round for my ripcord but could not find it.

20. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his blood coursing like a dark, hot tide in his veins.

21. Forty Bach Chorales It is the Chorales, not his trademark fugues, that lie at the heart of Bach’stechnique

22. The King does not believe that I would Contemn his commands--in his heart he does not, I am sure! James, G

23. Watch it corrupt his heart... and drive him mad.

24. Could not find '%# ' executable

25. It was his ingenuous smile that won Deborah's heart.

26. 23 If you can not find a pulse, you must begin chest compression, also known as heart massage.

27. A tumor in his heart.

28. It 's not that leaf heart is too heavy .

29. If such a negative attitude were to take root in a person’s heart, it could erode his joy and confidence.

30. I tried to recall what it was about his demeanor or statements that Augured this rejection, but could not find any clues.

31. A running back will likely find his face in the mud if he can not zigzag.

32. (ASV DBY JPS) Psalms 10:13 Wherefore doth the wicked Contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it

33. In turn, the humble employer will not find it difficult to subject himself to his employee, the elder, in congregation activities.

34. "He liked to be very involved, he felt it accutely in his own heart.

35. + Jehovah will find a man agreeable to his heart,+ and Jehovah will commission him as a leader over his people,+ because you did not obey what Jehovah commanded you.”

36. In March 1991, it was discovered that Carr had a tumor on his heart.

37. It seems like not a big deal My heart drops

38. Did she usurp his place in his mother's heart?

39. His heart bumped in his breast with frightening loudness.

40. He outtold all his secrets in his inmost heart.

41. it is not in the heart of barcelona but still easily accesible by metro.

42. It took some effort for Charles not to lose heart.

43. 28 His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. 

44. 1 His heart cannot be pure whose tongue is not clear. 

45. He did not risk his life fighting for his freedom so cowards in masks could take it away.

46. Believe it or not, I have a really soft heart and I can be sappy.

47. It blazed up against him, but he would not take it to heart.

48. Maybe now, Patrick can rid his heart of all the hurt and hatred that clouded it during his time here.

49. As it drew near, his heart began to leap and tremble.

50. Like if your mind was still in control of it, you could have killed the dragon from inside by crushing his heart.

51. It entered with great force into his heart, and then he acted upon it.

52. You burrow and rankle in his heart!

53. It looks like it's your heart she's not so fond of.

54. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

55. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 

56. It was to Warsaw that, at the end of his life , he bequeath his heart.

57. He believed that Jehovah, in his mercy, would not despise “a heart broken and crushed” over sin.

58. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’”

59. The mouth of a wise man is in his heart; the heart of a fool is in his mouth. 

60. It would have "heart" in that it would have passion and heart and soul.

61. It would have " heart " in that it would have passion and heart and soul.

62. His heart thumped as he made this audacious declaration , that he almost choked in uttering it.

63. Somehow it was not his business and certainly it was not his business to pander to it.

64. I find it hard to share his optimism.

65. There's a pellet close to his heart, lodged in his pericardium.

66. But alas, his heart is not mine to have I also wish for a hero in this world

67. He had faith that Jehovah, in his mercy, would not despise “a heart broken and crushed” over sin.

68. Because of desires buried deep in his heart.

69. 27 If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 

70. 8 As faith grows in your heart, you will find it hard to keep what you have learned to yourself.

71. 32 However, Pharʹaoh again hardened his heart and did not send the people away.

72. His old heart was rusting away in there.

73. Her words struck a chill in his heart.

74. Showing his true heart.

75. ‘As He Has Resolved in His Own Heart’

76. We missed some affected cells in his heart.

77. The letters touched my heart, and I could not stop weeping.

78. 29 In his psychological state, it is not difficult to find the moral sensitivity, misanthropic mood , profound melancholy and the tendency of fatalism.

79. My Heart Is Not My OwnRadical Acceptanceyour Love Is Blasting in My HeartChild of the HeartMelody of the HeartBack to the HeartWhen the Heart WaitsMy Heart Is a CompassPiece of My HeartMy Heart is My OwnTattoos on the HeartHer Heart, His HomeMelt My HeartMy Heart is My OwnYour Heart, My

80. His heart beat erratically.